Basic Information


Brand:          Hakuryu [haku-ryu]

Nickname:     White Dragon

Type:            Daiginjo.

Rice polishing:  40%

Alcohol:          16-17% by volume


Bottle size, Case pack, & UPC Code:      

720 ml, 12-pack, UPC: 844650005004

300 ml, 12-pack, UPC: 844650005011




Name:                   Hakuryu [haku-ryu] Shuzo    Founded:       1839

Owned by:    Shirai Family

Location:      3-7 Okayama-cho, Agano-shi, Niigata 959-2025, JAPAN

Web site:

Toji (Sake Master):  Shinji Shirai & Yuzuru Yamakawa


Ingredients & technical data


Rice:               Yamada Nishiki and Takanenishiki

Water:            underground water from agano-fukuryuusui

Yeast:                        Kyokai #9       

SMV:               +5      Acidity:   1    Amino acids: 0.5


Other information


Serving temp. : Chilled. 41~50‹F (5~10‹C)

Tasting note:            Fruity, soft, round and smooth. 

Food paring: White fish, raw or seared. Light flavored dishes.

Good for aperitif as well.


This sake has won the Grand Gold Medal and gold medals for the last 14 consecutive years at the Monde Selection in Brussels, Belgium.

The Shirai family started sake production in 1839. Back in mid 19th century (Shogunfs era), sake was transported by sea to major markets such as Edo (=Tokyo). Because the family also ran the transportation business and White Dragon, an imaginary animal, was considered a guardian for marine transportation, it named the sake business gHakuryuh which means White Dragon.